I have received several comments and e-mails wondering how the Uppercase Living expressions are actually "installed". First, let me say that it is SUPER easy! I did most of mine on my own. Robb did help me with the larger ones; it is easier to have two people holding the sides. Basically, here is how it is done:
1. Prepare your wall or surface (i.e., be sure it is clean!)
2. Rub the front side of the expression (which is covered by a transfer tape) really, really well with the UL tool (or a credit card, driver's license, something like that).
3. Determine and measure exactly how and where you want the expression to go. I found it helpful to hold it up to the wall before doing anything else. I measured from the top of the ceiling to each side, etc., to be sure I had the spot centered, then marked the wall lightly with pencil.
4. Slowly pull the backing off the expression.
5. Put the expression on the wall, and lightly rub it from the center out.
6. Once it is stuck, rub over the top again with the UL tool.
7. Slowly pull the transfer tape off of the expression.
8. TAH-DAH!!!
I have had several people interested in looking at catalogs, hosting "book" parties, etc. Anyone can host a party ANYWHERE! I can mail you everything you need, and you can get free items by hosting, so if you are interested, please let me know! I am trying very hard to reach an incentive by October 29th, so help me out by hosting sooner rather than later!
For more information, please visit my website: robynhuff.uppercaseliving.net
***Note: there is no "www." in front of it!!! There is a link on the sidebar of my blog, also. You can browse through the catalog on my website, or you can login and use the MyDesign Tool to make your own expressions.
Thank you!